NAME: Kellyanne Lynch
OTHER KNOWN ALLIASES: Kel, Kelly, Kel-Kel, Shadow, Isis, Scully Sloan, Califorma Freakface HEIGHT: 65" WEIGHT: 175 lb BLOOD TYPE: 0 rh + MUTANT POWER: slightly enhanced senses, accelarated healing factor, adamantium teeth PLACE OF BIRTH: Haverhill, MA USA DATE OF BIRTH: 9 August 1979 AGE: 21 SIGN: Leo MMPI PERSONALITY TYPE: INFJ MARITAL STATUS: free and clear OCCUPATION: college student PAST JOBS: day care provider assistant, candy striper, cashier, babysitter, nanny, tutor PLACE OF RESIDENCE: South Carolina PAST PLACES OF RESIDENCE: Massachusetts, Florida, Connecticut CURRENTLY RESIDES WITH: AnneMarie (best friend, age 22), Mulder (feline), Scully (feline), Krycek AKA Ratboy (hamster), Paul (hamster), Mo, Larry, and Curly (hamsters, Paul and Krycek's babies), Shirley and Murphy(hamsters, Mo's babies), Emrys (finch), Jacque (mouse), Adam (mouse), Swift, Tabitha, Joan, and Cody (mice, Adam's babies), assorted fish | FAMILY: Susan (mother), Timothy (father), Colleen (sister, age 19) CLUBS: none INTERESTS: writing short stories, novels, and poetry; reading; drawing COLLECTIONS: foreign coins, state quarters, memoribilia from Star Wars, X-Files, and X-Men, and matchbox twenty bootleg concert CDs FAVOURITES: